- Name: Lindsay Baker
- Property name: Shandun, Forbes NSW
- Operation: Mixed sheep and cropping
- Property size: 1,000 ha
- Farmbot technology: Water Level Monitor, Rain Gauge and Line Pressure Sensor

With the climate getting hotter and dryer the security of stock and domestic water was becoming more and more essential for Lindsay Baker, on his property South of Forbes in NSW. Manual water inspections were taking too long to identify faults, increasing concern around the availability of water for livestock.
“If there was a fault in the system it was taking too long to identify, which was running into the risk of livestock running out of water. We needed to know on a real-time basis how the water was working.”

Through researching and employing Farmbot technologies, Lindsay can now quickly identify faults in the mainline, with real-time data reducing the risk of a large scale leaks and increasing the properties water security.
“Farmbot has saved us multiple times and works really well for our operation.”

To find out more about how Lindsay Baker researched and used his local reseller as a consultant for assisting with implementing Farmbot, check out the full case study below. Flip through the pages or download and read offline later.
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