A poem from Farmbot Business Development Manager Todd Donaldson for Drought Angels.

He stands under yet another clear blue sky As he leans on that rusted gate, lifts his hat Gives his head a rub
Then wipes a tear from his eye.

He’s waiting for rain
This was the year he had everything to gain
But right now, driving around his Run is causing too much pain When he gets through, what will be the same?
Will it erode his family’s name?

You see, on both sides of the Great Divide The crops are failing
The stock are faltering
The water is starting to hide

Will he be strong enough, will he take this one in his stride?

The locals consider him as tough as they come
But he shed a tear as he put his hand on another bottle of rum
Twisted the lid threw it over his shoulder
He knows it won’t fix a thing, but it may make his pain steady to a smoulder.

The records say it is the worst in years
This one has brought with it the nation’s fears.
But together we’ll band
Behind them proudly we’ll stand
The Drought Angels will throw out their helping hand
They are Aussie framers- it is a Drought and only Angels can understand That they are this great big land.