Friends of Farmbot – Free Freight

Free Freight – ENDS 24 December, 2020 Farmbot would like to thank our loyal Friends of Farmbot. This year Farmbot’s gift is free freight on all orders over $3000. Is there a tank you’re constantly checking, a pipe that you can’t trust or are you worried your livestock don’t have access to water? Don’t spend […]

Friends of Farmbot

Virtual Cheers – ENDS 31st AUGUST Beginning in August Friends of Farmbot are having a virtual cheers with our mates across the country. To join our virtual cheers, there are a few ways you may participate:  Take a photo or video of your Farmbot Monitor. Take a photo or video of yourself and/or kids, jackaroos, […]

Considering Agtech & Automation to help better manage the farm with COVID?

The TOP 5 Checklist for Adoption of Agtech on your Farm There is no question that technology has its place in the evolution of Australian agricultural production, supply chains and productivity. If we are to reach the Agriculture 4.0 targets and create a $100Bn industry for our economy the fact is we will need to use technology and innovation in all […]


COVID-19 business continuity measures – Farmbot Products & services mostly unaffected Farmbot continues to build and deliver its reliable Water Level Monitors and attachments, including Rain Gauge, Line Pressure, Flow, Fuel and Safety/Check-in systems. We are also continuing to deliver Farmbot’s great software platform and real-time reporting for our many customers who are benefiting from remote autonomous monitoring capabilities at a […]

Farmbot Australia Awarded Accelerating Commercialisation Grant

Farmbot Australia Pty Ltd (NSW) has been awarded a grant of $597,650 to broaden the application of its innovative water monitoring technology. Sydney, NSW – 04/02/2020 – On 16 January 2020, Farmbot Australia, a leading Agtech innovator, was awarded an Accelerating Commercialisation grant by Minister for Industry, Science and Technology, Karen Andrews. Farmbot is one […]

Farmbot helping farming families around Australia

Farmbot will be donating $100 from each monitor sold to Drought Angels, during January.  Drought Angels is a regionally (country) based, registered charity “who offer[s] a listening ear, a warm hug and personalised support”. “At Drought Angels they don’t offer handouts, they deliver a “Thank You”. “Thank you for all you do to put the […]