The farmers leading the Aussie agtech movement to automate ag

November release of The Weekly Times AgJournal spoke with customer Luke Balkin, and Farmbot CEO Andrew Coppin. Challenging the thinking on the true value of employing AgTech around properties in Australia. “Combine that with weather stations, more accurate forecasting and satellite imagery and you end up with very powerful information all pooled together, and that results in real (irrigation) […]

Farmbot Finalist of The Bridge Hub 2020 Water Challenge

Farmbot Monitoring Solutions has been named as one of the Startup Finalists in The Bridge Hub 2020 Water Challenge. The Water Challenge uncovers the brightest researchers, the most innovative ideas + the best startups that positively impact water sustainability within our agrisystem. The Bridge Hub who facilitate the competition is “an Australian based agrifood tech innovation hub. Passionate […]


COVID-19 business continuity measures – Farmbot Products & services mostly unaffected Farmbot continues to build and deliver its reliable Water Level Monitors and attachments, including Rain Gauge, Line Pressure, Flow, Fuel and Safety/Check-in systems. We are also continuing to deliver Farmbot’s great software platform and real-time reporting for our many customers who are benefiting from remote autonomous monitoring capabilities at a […]

2019 Consensus Awards Media Release

5 INNOVATION TECHNOLOGIES WIN AWARDS Sydney, 12th December 2019: 5 highly innovative Australian technologies have won awards in the second round of Consensus Awards in 2019, across Software, Innovation, GreenTech and AgTech. The Awards were co-presented by Julian Day Founder and CEO of Consensus and Richard White, Founder & CEO of WiseTech Global, a winner […]