Life on a station in the Kimberley

Hitting the road to Derby Having arrived in Broome late the previous day, the 4.30am alarm didn’t feel so painful as my mind was still on east coast time. We hit the road for a two hour drive north east along Savannah Way to Derby. Distances in the Kimberley are huge and locals don’t think […]


COVID-19 business continuity measures – Farmbot Products & services mostly unaffected Farmbot continues to build and deliver its reliable Water Level Monitors and attachments, including Rain Gauge, Line Pressure, Flow, Fuel and Safety/Check-in systems. We are also continuing to deliver Farmbot’s great software platform and real-time reporting for our many customers who are benefiting from remote autonomous monitoring capabilities at a […]

#knowyourwater – Matt Wood’s Testimony

Matt Wood, Manager if Blina Station in the Kimberley, showing how Farmbot is making material difference to his everyday life. #knowyourwater

#knowyourwater – South West Customers

Farmers have been seeking better ways to manage water for decades. Farmbot has developed an innovative water monitoring solution, that operates remotely.

#knowyourwater – Matt Wood

Matt Wood, Manager if Blina Station in the Kimberley, showing how Farmbot is making material difference to his everyday life. #knowyourwater