The Drought Angels touch many Australian Farmers every day. Farmbot’s Business Development Manager Todd Donaldson visited the Drought Angels headquarters in Chinchilla on Wednesday 24th June on behalf of Farmbot and Partners to present Drought Angels with a $20,000 cheque, which was part of a campaign run by Farmbot during December to Mid-February. The campaign donated $50 from Farmbot customers included in the regular sales price of their monitors and matched with an additional $50 from Farmbot. The campaign had notable support from Farmbot Investor John Hancock.

Post Todd’s visit he noted that it is understandable why their work touches so many people around Australia and expressed the Drought Angels as “the most humble group you will meet, they are the most empathic, understanding and the nicest people the lord has shovelled guts into.” For a middle-aged man who doesn’t generally draw breath expressing his emotions truly illustrates their touching work which they undertake daily for thousands of Aussie Farmers. “We mere males are not ones to share a lot of our emotions, this meeting with the Drought Angels I can wholeheartedly say it was an emotional meeting for me. Growing up in the bush and working in the Ag industry for the last 20 years, witnessing first hand the resistance required to be an Australian Farmer highlights the importance of the Drought Angels and their cause “Thank You, Australian Farmers”.
As part of this Thank You, to Australian Farmers, the Drought Angels provide individuals with packs filled with selected groceries and everyday essentials which is hand-packed with consideration of each item. “The correspondence they receive as Thank You’s is a testament to the work they do; you could write a song from every paragraph.” Drought Angels are constantly coming up with new and creative ideas to help service Aussie Farmers in need. The box of groceries which is packed goes out as a “Thank you for what you do” to every Farmer that they engage with; as opposed to a donation.
The on Farm Support team is another seamless cog in the operation, ensuring necessary paperwork is drafted up and make sure farmers are all okay. Ongoing Drought Angels have plans to build an online store to enable Farmers to click on the product line and request products to ensure what the Drought Angels are sending out meets the needs and wants of the Farmers and ensure nothing is left to short. The sponsors enable the contributions to the Australian Farmers to take place. The Australian Farmers make the hard times seem like a bump in the road. “I would be bold enough to say they have saved a countless amount of Australian Farmers; kept them in the industry and producing products; for us to enjoy so we can live.”
“The take-home from this is to make sure that every Australian Farmer I meet and have contact with knows how much I appreciate what they do for all of us and they can trust that what I do will help them somewhere, sometime.”